Whereas private lessons offer personalized attention, individualized instruction, and immediate feedback, group classes provide social interaction, opportunities for practice with various partners, and a cost-effective learning environment. Combining both private and group lessons creates a well-rounded educational experience that addresses the diverse aspects of ballroom dance, ultimately enhancing the dancer's overall skill and enjoyment.

One does not typically go without the other.

Our class duration is approximately 1 hour. Membership commitments are required for all participants.

Our formal dance classes are all typicall “masterclasses” which we will describe below…

Our social dance classes are simply for fun, not techinical aspects will be covered. Only general concepts for the purpose of social gatherings and enjoyment.

Unlike many local franchised dance studios the MBDC offers:

  • Expert Instruction: Masterclasses are typically led by highly skilled and experienced instructors or renowned dancers in the field. These classes offer students the opportunity to learn from a master in the art, gaining insights, techniques, and artistic nuances that might not be covered in regular classes.

  • Broad Learning Experience: Masterclasses often cover a wide range of topics and may be open to students of varying skill levels. This allows dancers to expose themselves to diverse styles, methods, and artistic interpretations, fostering a broader understanding of the art form.

  • Inspiration and Motivation: Exposure to a master's expertise can inspire and motivate students to reach new levels of achievement. The personal anecdotes and experiences shared by the master can provide valuable insights into the professional dance world.

  • Tailored Instruction: Grouping students based on proficiency levels allows instructors to tailor their teaching methods to the specific needs and skill levels of each group. Beginners can focus on foundational steps and basic techniques, while advanced students can delve into more complex choreography and advanced styling.

    • Peer Learning: Having students with similar skill levels in a class creates a supportive environment where peers can learn from each other. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared learning experiences.

    • Gradual Progression: Splitting students into proficiency levels enables a structured and gradual progression in difficulty. As students advance, they can move on to more challenging material, ensuring a steady and achievable learning path.

As always, our first class is free to all new participants.

Join our group ballroom dance classes in Cincinnati at Midwest Ballroom & Dancesport Club! Our expert instructors cater to all skill levels from beginner to advanced, providing personalized instruction to help you improve your technique and build confidence on the dance floor. With a variety of dance styles to choose from, including Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, and Swing, you'll have the opportunity to learn and perfect new steps while enjoying a fun and social environment with other dance enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to master a specific dance style or just want to have fun and meet new people, our group classes are the perfect way to experience the joy of ballroom dancing.